Is Botox the Answer for Jaw Pain?
If you are suffering from a painful jaw condition known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), you may want to consider Botox. This minimally invasive treatment will relax your muscles, leaving you with incredible relief. Dr. Rick and his outstanding team look forward to helping you enjoy your life to the fullest once again!
Why Does My Jaw Hurt?
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the name of the joint found on each side of your head, right in front of your ears. It allows you to move your jaw forward and backward, side to side, and up and down so you can chew, talk, swallow, speak, and yawn with ease. Because this joint is used often, it is vulnerable to wear and tear, which can lead to damage, swelling, and other abnormalities.
When there is a problem with the muscle, bone, or tissue in and around the TMJ, you may have TMD. This condition can cause chronic, debilitating pain. Everyday actions such as chewing, speaking, or opening your mouth can pose quite a challenge. Botox for TMD is a treatment option that can help manage your pain while you treat the underlying causes.
Symptoms of TMD
Patients with TMD may experience pain and tenderness in or around the jaw, head, face, temples, neck, shoulders, or ears. Symptoms include trouble opening or closing your mouth, clicking, grinding, crunching, or popping sensations when you chew, yawn, or open your mouth. TMD can also result in a locked jaw, the upper and lower teeth no longer fitting together properly, swelling in the face or jaw, or ringing in the ear (tinnitus).
How Can Botox Help Relieve Jaw Pain?
According to the American Academy of Facial Esthetics (AAFE), the main ingredient in Botox is purified protein. When injected into your jaw, Botox relieves the TMD pain and stiffness by relaxing your muscles.
While most TMJ sufferers find some relief with this treatment, results are especially dramatic for patients whose TMD is caused by teeth grinding, a condition known as bruxism, or other stress disorders. Botox for TMD is relatively new, but AAFE indicates promising early results.
What Should You Expect?
Botox treatment for TMD is usually quick, straightforward, and effective. The procedure is virtually painless and requires no downtime, meaning you will be able to resume your daily activities right away. Some patients get the needed relief after just one session while others require two or more, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Dr. Rick will work with you to determine a schedule before receiving Botox for TMD the first time.
Some patients begin to feel relief a day or two after treatment, while most will notice a marked improvement after a week or two, with results lasting four to six months. With repeated treatments, your jaw muscles will become trained to relax, so the treatments will eventually be needed less often.
Schedule Your Appointment Today
Contact Dr. Rick Dentistry to learn more about Botox treatments for TMD. We are committed to providing exceptional care to our valued patients. We look forward to helping you feel and smile your best. Call us today!