Perfect Healthy Teeth Smile Of A Young Woman Teeth Whitening Dental Clinic Patient Image Symbolizes Oral Care Dentistry Stomatology

Achieve Your Perfect Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

We, at Dr. Rick Dentistry, understand that the smallest flaw in a tooth can impact your smile. We are proud to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry services to correct tooth imperfections, leaving you with stunning results. Dr. Rick's dramatic smile transformations continue to change the lives of patients in North Scottsdale, AZ, and the surrounding areas.

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a dental field dedicated to creating perfect smiles by correcting conditions, including stained, discolored, missing, gapped, misaligned, or misshapen teeth. While some of the procedures are elective, cosmetic dentistry offers essential restorative treatments using materials and techniques that enhance your smile.

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Here are some of the transformative cosmetic dentistry options we offer at Dr. Rick Dentistry:

Professional Teeth Whitening: This is, by far, the most sought-after cosmetic dentistry procedure today. Our effective whitening treatments virtually erase tooth staining resulting from lifestyle habits, such as smoking and consuming foods and beverages such as wine, coffee, and berries. Our safe whitening treatments will brighten your teeth, several shades in just one short office visit.

Porcelain Veneers: These wafer-thin porcelain or ceramic shells, when placed on the fronts of teeth, correct imperfections, restoring their natural shape, color, and appearance. Veneers provide a whitening solution for teeth not responsive to traditional whitening methods and can repair broken or chipped teeth, as well as crooked, uneven, worn, or irregularly shaped teeth. They provide strength and resilience comparable to your natural tooth enamel.

Cosmetic Crowns: These incredibly natural-looking and feeling restorations can preserve and fully restore the natural appearance and function of cracked, damaged, or decayed teeth. Dr. Rick may recommend a porcelain crown to cover a tooth after root canal therapy or to support a dental bridge, leaving you with a healthy and confident smile.

Invisalign: The most advanced clear aligners, brought to you by Align Technology, offer an effective and discreet solution to correct crooked teeth. Invisalign delivers beautiful straight smiles in almost half the time of traditional braces. Best of all, your virtually invisible aligners are comfortable and convenient, so you'll transform your smile without having to deal with metal braces and without interfering with your appearance.

Dental Implants: If you've been hiding your smile due to losing one or several of your teeth as a result of disease or trauma, you may want to consider dental implants. Titanium posts placed in your jawbone mimic the function of your tooth roots, providing stability for fixed or removable implant restorations, such as crowns, bridges, or implant-supported dentures. Dental implants fully restore your smile’s aesthetics and function.

What Is the Process of Transforming Your Smile?

A consultation with Dr. Rick will get you on your way to your ideal smile. He will evaluate your smile and design a customized treatment plan based on your unique needs and desired treatment outcomes. Your smile makeover may require one or more cosmetic and restorative procedures.

Cosmetic Dentistry Services Near Me

Contact Dr. Rick Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ, to learn more about our cosmetic dentistry services. Dr. Rick is passionate about transforming lives by delivering beautiful smiles. Call us and schedule your appointment today!